Understanding Kinetic Energy: The Energy of Motion

As explained in the linked article, “Kinetic energy” is the energy an object possesses due to its motion and it’s the energy of the moving object, but as explained not necessarily in the moving object. Displacement of an object with mass creates a conditions called kinetic energy. This is a form of energy that occurs when an object or a particle has by reason gained motion . As a result of this work, the kinetic energy results in moving an object. For example: Imagine pushing a box across the floor:

You apply a force to the box and move it a distance. This is you doing work on the box.

As a result of this work, the box gains kinetic energy and starts moving.

If you then apply a force in the opposite direction to slow the box down, you are doing work again (this time negative work), and the box loses kinetic energy until it stops. If work, which transfers energy, is done on an object by applying a net force, the object speeds up and it increases the kinetic energy. So work is the process of transferring energy, and kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. They are directly relate to changes in kinetic energy like in a “Newton’s Cradle” which transfers between potential and kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the result of a moving object or particle. Motion of mass, is a kind of motion that may be translation or motion following a path from one place to another place, rotation about an axis, oscillating, vibration, or any combination of motions. So Kinetic energy described as work in motion is not quite right. Kinetic energy results from work being done to put an object in motion, but it’s not “work in motion” itself. It’s the energy of that motion. The article uses the example of water in a glass to explain the resulting motion energy caused by kinetic energy.